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Zuckerberg says Meta wants to build and open source AGI, and brings AI group FAIR closer to the generative AI team; Meta will own 340K+ H100 GPUs by 2024's end

Jan 18, 2024 -
This is a Techmeme archive page from January 18, 2024, providing a comprehensive list of top news from various sources including Washington Post, Apple Developer, 9to5Mac, IGN, MacRumors, Wired, InfoQ, SiliconANGLE, TechSpot, Liliputing, PC Gamer, Proactive, and iClarified. The page also includes a list of social media handles of notable individuals and forums for further discussion.

The page also highlights sponsored posts, job opportunities in tech, and upcoming tech events. It provides links to more news from sources like The Block, Blockworks, Finbold, Fortune, Crypto Briefing, CoinDesk, CoinGape,, Inside Bitcoins, Cryptopolitan, and Financial Times. It also includes earlier picks from sources like Reuters, Silicon Valley Business, Washington Post, Newser, CNN, BBC, Wall Street Journal, The Messenger, The Guardian, BetaNews, CNBC, Telegraph, Gizmodo, New York Times, Investor's Business Daily, New York Post, The Hill, The Information, Financial Times, Business Insider, Proactive, Fortune, New York Daily News, Deadline, Engadget, and Barron's Online.

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