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Aithenticate Overview

Aithenticate is a unique tool designed to enhance transparency and compliance in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on websites. It provides a clear disclosure to users about the source of the content they are interacting with, whether it's crafted by humans or AI. Aithenticate offers a WordPress plug-in that takes care of all AI transparency on your website, a custom company profile page with all your business details, and a disclosure generator that creates a concise disclosure for you. It also provides clear icons to indicate whether content is AI-generated or human-crafted. Aithenticate is available for free with limited implementations, or as a premium subscription for more extensive content.

Aithenticate Highlights

  • Enhances transparency and compliance in the use of AI on websites.
  • Provides a WordPress plug-in for easy integration and AI transparency.
  • Offers a disclosure generator for creating concise disclosures about the use of AI.

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