Andeavour AI
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Andeavour Overview
Andeavour is an Organizational Intelligence Platform designed to streamline, secure, and unearth critical information within diverse business units. Founded in 2022, Andeavour offers a comprehensive product line of end-to-end AI solutions tailored for diverse needs. The platform uses cutting-edge pretrained models, proprietary real-time analysis, and patent-pending Org Intelligence Algorithms to recognize hidden trends, issues, vulnerabilities, and potential damage across various business units. Andeavour's current offerings include Cyber Security Reports Analysis Intelligence, HR Attrition Intelligence, and Enforcement Posture Monitor.
Andeavour Highlights
- Andeavour uses cutting-edge pretrained models and proprietary real-time analysis to analyze all types, structures, and volumes of data without the need for integration.
- The platform offers a range of products, including Apperceive for HR Attrition intelligence, Argumend for Security Reports and Dashboard Analysis, and Anforcer for security management.
- Andeavour's patent-pending algorithms recognize hidden trends, issues, vulnerabilities, and potential damage across various business units, providing businesses and cyber units with actionable insights about critical information.