AI Content Detector Overview
The AI Content Detector is an enterprise solution that helps you distinguish between content written by humans and content generated by AI, including advanced models like GPT-4 and Bard. This tool is trusted by leading organizations and institutions and is a part of the Copyleaks mission to create secure environments for sharing ideas and learning.
AI Content Detector Highlights
- It is the only enterprise solution that can differentiate between human-written and AI-generated content.
- It can detect content generated by advanced AI models like GPT-4 and Bard.
- It is trusted by leading organizations and institutions.
Plagiarism Detector Overview
The Plagiarism Detector is an award-winning tool that helps identify potential plagiarism and detect AI-generated content. It offers free start-up options as well as LMS and API integrations. This tool is a part of the Copyleaks mission to develop a clear concept of plagiarism and content integrity.
Plagiarism Detector Highlights
- It is an award-winning tool for detecting plagiarism and AI-generated content.
- It offers free start-up options and LMS and API integrations.
- It is a part of the Copyleaks mission to promote content integrity.
Gen AI Governance Overview
Gen AI Governance is a comprehensive solution that helps navigate generative AI and prevent potential data leaks with a full suite of enterprise-level protection. This tool is a part of the Copyleaks mission to create secure environments for sharing ideas and learning.
Gen AI Governance Highlights
- It provides a comprehensive solution for navigating generative AI.
- It offers a full suite of enterprise-level protection to prevent potential data leaks.
- It is a part of the Copyleaks mission to create secure environments for idea sharing and learning.