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Copyright Check AI

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Copyright Check AI Overview

Copyright Check AI is a comprehensive audit service that helps brands protect themselves from costly legal disputes arising from copyright violations on social media. The software automatically detects copyright violations on your social media profiles, reducing the risk of legal action. It is trusted by Heads of Marketing and In-House Counsel at the world's top brands. The service works across all social platforms and provides detailed reports of potential infringements, allowing brands to take necessary action. It also offers profile protection services and influencer checks to ensure compliance with copyright laws.

Copyright Check AI Highlights

  • Automated Detection of Copyright Violations: The software automatically detects copyright violations on your social media profiles, reducing the risk of legal action.
  • Profile Protection and Influencer Checks: Copyright Check AI offers profile protection services and influencer checks, ensuring that all your social media activities, including collaborations with influencers, comply with copyright laws.
  • Trusted by Top Brands: The service is trusted by Heads of Marketing and In-House Counsel at the world's top brands, providing peace of mind and protection against potential legal disputes.

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