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DocGPT Overview

DocGPT is a revolutionary web-based PDF editor that leverages the power of GPT-4 to read and understand every PDF document a user opens. It can answer any question about the document and generate content such as summaries, essays, homework, reports, etc. This tool is especially beneficial for students and professionals who work extensively with contracts. DocGPT also offers the ability to search external sources like arXiv and Wikipedia to enhance the quality of your documents. It is available at

DocGPT Highlights

  • DocGPT dramatically reduces the time spent working on documents by directly communicating with your document, understanding its content, and answering any questions you have.
  • It offers unlimited access to GPT-3.5 / GPT-4, a state-of-the-art Pro PDF editor, unlimited document uploads, and unlimited storage for a fraction of the price you would pay on ChatGPT premium.
  • DocGPT is set to offer a set of very interesting Plugins in the future, mainly directed towards making research easier.

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