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Ergo Chat

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Ergo Chat Overview

Ergo Chat is an innovative AI chat platform that allows users to interact with a personalized library of PDFs and websites, providing trusted insights and answers. Unlike other AI chat services that access the entire internet or a single website, Ergo Chat empowers users to create a unique library, making it an ideal solution for both businesses and individuals. With its ability to handle unlimited uploads and analyze diverse content, Ergo Chat ensures precise answers by relying solely on user-provided sources, minimizing misinformation. Its convenient interface, available as a Chrome extension, allows seamless integration into your workflow.

Ergo Chat Highlights

  • Unlimited uploads: Engage with multiple websites or PDFs simultaneously.
  • Precise answers: Provides responses based only on user-provided sources, reducing misinformation.
  • Convenient interface: Easily accessible via a Chrome extension for seamless use.

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