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InfoBaseAI Overview

InfoBaseAI is an innovative tool that revolutionizes information management by integrating AI technology. It allows users to upload documents, start AI-guided conversations, and get instant source verification for every answer. The platform also enables users to annotate their thoughts with AI-powered insights and customize AI instructions for personalized responses. InfoBaseAI is designed to elevate your workflow by streamlining research with conversations, content, and notes open side-by-side.

InfoBaseAI Highlights

  • AI-Powered Workflow Boost: InfoBaseAI provides a seamless workflow with AI chat, content, and note-taking, supercharging your productivity.
  • Structure Workflow: The platform allows you to keep your chat, files, and notes structured with dedicated folders.
  • AI, Your Way: InfoBaseAI offers the ability to switch AI models, personalize results, and customize instructions for diverse responses.

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