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JobXRecruiter Overview

JobXRecruiter is an AI-powered tool designed to streamline the recruitment process. It automates the tedious task of reviewing CVs, saving recruiters hundreds of hours each month. The AI-Agent reads, reviews, and presents the perfect candidate resumes, providing a detailed analysis with a match rating. The service is pay-per-use with no subscription fee, and offers 10 free CV reviews upon sign-up. It's a game changer for recruiters, allowing them to focus more on hiring and less on manual screening.

JobXRecruiter Highlights

  • AI-powered tool that automates the process of reviewing CVs, saving time and effort.
  • Provides a detailed analysis of each candidate with a match rating, enabling recruiters to select the best candidates without having to open a single CV.
  • Offers a pay-per-use model with no subscription fee, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.

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