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Keel Studio

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Keel Studio Overview

Keel Studio is a powerful AI tool designed to streamline project and task management. It offers a comprehensive suite of features including task creation, updating, and deletion, all tied to specific projects. Each task can be assigned to an owner and marked as complete when finished. Projects can also be created, updated, and deleted, with each project capable of holding multiple tasks. Keel Studio also includes an automated email system that sends a daily summary every weekday at 9am.

Keel Studio Highlights

  • Comprehensive Task Management: Keel Studio allows for the creation, updating, and deletion of tasks, each of which can be assigned to an owner and marked as complete.
  • Project-Based Organization: Tasks are organized within projects, which can also be created, updated, and deleted. This structure allows for a high level of organization and efficiency.
  • Automated Daily Summaries: Keel Studio includes a feature that sends a daily summary email every weekday at 9am, keeping all team members updated on project progress.

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