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Lemony Overview

Lemony is a secure, on-premise generative AI solution designed to provide organization-wide trust, ownership, and transparency in AI. It is specifically tailored for team collaboration and use within professional organizations. The solution is embedded in the Lemony Box, which contains multiple pre-loaded AI models and a software layer, ensuring private, fast, and compliant AI capabilities. Lemony is currently used by 150 teams at early access design partners, prioritizing data and AI ownership with full transparency. It addresses major AI concerns, including regulatory restrictions, data breaches, AI ethics, proprietary data utilization, cloud service interruptions, and attack surface expansion.

Lemony Highlights

  • Lemony provides centralized control over AI with seamless integration, scalability, fixed-cost efficiency, and robust security.
  • It offers a cloud-free solution with continuous AI compute close to data sources, automatically indexing files in the background for immediate access to terabytes of data and insights.
  • Lemony enables organizations to maintain full ownership of their data, API, and AI, with AI data flows, prompts, histories, files, and AI models remaining within the network, always under control.

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