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5 stars with 1 reviews
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CodiumAI Overview

CodiumAI is an innovative tool that integrates with your IDE to suggest non-trivial and trivial tests as you code. It analyzes your code, docstring, and comments to provide meaningful test suggestions, helping you code smart, create more value, and stay confident when you push. CodiumAI supports Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and soon Java. It is designed to be interactive, allowing you to edit the tests it generates and perfect them.

CodiumAI Highlights

  • CodiumAI provides full visibility of how your code behaves and how changes affect the rest of your code.
  • It helps you spend fewer hours writing questionable test cases and more time developing useful features for your users.
  • CodiumAI generates meaningful tests that help you understand how your code behaves, find edge cases and suspicious behaviors, and write reliable code.

All Reviews (1)

Xander profile pic
bestofai521991y ago

Star Rating