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Trag Overview

Trag is an innovative AI tool designed to streamline and enhance the coding process. It ensures that every 'malloc' has a corresponding 'free' in all execution paths, adheres to the DRY principle, and maintains the security of your code by ensuring no secrets or credentials are included. Additionally, Trag's API error handling prevents the intentional throwing of HTTP 500. This tool is not only easy to get started with, but it also offers complex code understanding, semantic code analysis, predictive bug detection, and refactoring suggestions.

Trag Highlights

  • Complex Code Understanding: Trag provides multiple repository-wide contexts, making it easier to understand and navigate through complex codes.
  • Semantic Code Analysis: Trag goes beyond the what and delves into the why behind the code, providing a deeper understanding and analysis.
  • Predictive Bug Detection: Trag constantly monitors your code to identify potential degradations or areas for improvement, helping to prevent bugs before they occur.

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